GREEN Labs adopts a collegial governance mode adapted to its size. It relies (leans) on the Director assisted by a Laboratory Council and a Scientific Council.

Director of the laboratory

The director officially represents the laboratory to the tutelage and public or private bodies.
With the help of the scientific council and the laboratory council, he takes the decisions necessary for the efficient operation of the laboratory:

  • management of common resources,
  • implementation of science policy,
  • allocation of functional responsibilities.

The Director takes care to ensure an environment conductive to research for all members of the laboratory.

Laboratory council

The Laboratory Council is composed of all the permanent members of the Laboratory as well as 2 representatives of the PhD students. It shall be consulted by the Director for:

  • the state, the programme, the coordination of research;
  • the diffusion of scientific information of the laboratory;
  • the management of human resources that fall within the prerogatives of the laboratory;
  • modifications of the laboratory status;
  • training policy through research.

Scientific Council

The scientific council is composed of the unit director, and all the permanent teacher-researchers of the Laboratory.